For those of you who may have come across a little adult cartoon called, "The Boondocks," then you have heard the term: N.Y.G. It is the smart-mouthed and often precocious little boy named Riley who coined this phrase on an episode when he saw a guy doing something that was a bit "suspect" and he yelled out, "N*gga You Gay!" This has been shortened to N.Y.G.
Now me being the flaming liberal that I am, I could often care less how people choose to live their lives. If you are gay, lesbian, transgender, pre-op, post-op, etc., more power to you! However, sometimes I see some things that truly garner being worth mentioning. This edition is courtesy of my favorite gay: Brian Bee off of YouTube. At first glance you wouldn't know he was gay because he isn't as flamboyant as some of his YouTube counterparts. And, he is so funny, that you aren't thinking about his sexuality. One thing he always does is point out the "how-you-dewiners" as he likes to call them.
I will post his video, at which about a minute in, you will need to put it on pause, and then watch the "suspect video in question," after which you can go back to Brian's vid to hear his hilarious commentary on the N.Y.G. Video.
There are just no words...
And... I got nothin' L.M.A.O.
@MAYHEMM09...LMAO! It's just so unbelievable for words...
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