Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Okay, why is it that when someone in Hollywood comes out, it is always someone that everyone ALREADY KNEW WAS GAY! So, who is our latest outer???

Clay Aiken!

Shocker, yes I know. I mean come on, if you didn't know when he was on American Idol belting out showtunes, that he was singing for the other team, then you are just blind. However, to me, he clearly outed himself when he decided to artificially impregnate 50 year-old Jaymes Foster, who happens to also be his BFF. I mean how gay is that? Well, the broadway favorite will be gracing the cover of People Magazine with his bundle of joy who somehow encouraged the move.

However, what really warms my cockles (don't ask) is the knowledge that Kathy Griffin, who has made talking about his sexuality infamous and often refers to him as "Gaykin", will have quite the material with this bit of juicy news.

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